How To Join The Takemusu Aikido Association
Membership in the Takemusu Aikido Association can be obtained in several ways:
A member of an existing member dojo seeks to start a new group.
Talk to your sensei. If you wish to start a new group with your sensei’s support, you will be considered a member dojo upon payment of the membership fee and confirmation by the TAA Board
A person who has trained with Saito Sensei has a dojo and seeks to join the Association.
Contact the Senior Instructor and discuss your qualifications. Your dojo will be a member upon payment of the membership fee and confirmation by the TAA Board.
A person with a dojo who has no previous connection with the Association or with Saito Sensei seeks to join. You are expected to make contact with a senior member of the Association and establish a student/teacher relationship. After confirmation by the TAA Board, this senior member will sponsor your membership on a trial basis for one year. This will allow time for the development of the important student/teacher relationship through visits, seminars, and interaction with your sponsor. Payment of the membership fee is expected with your membership application.

There are no limitations of rank or experience when applying. However, enthusiasm for the training and method of Aikido as practiced in this Association must be shown. In general, lesser rank and experience will require that a close relationship be established with a senior member of the Association.
Membership Dues
The yearly membership dues are currently US$53.00 and are due by January 1st of each year