Spring Aikido Seminar with Hoa Newens Shihan
Traditional Aikido of Sarasota welcomes Hoa Newens Shihan to Florida for a weekend of excellent training! Friday, Feb 28 - Sunday, Mar 2 https://aikidosarasota.com/event/hoa-newens-aikido-seminar
Traditional Aikido of Sarasota welcomes Hoa Newens Shihan to Florida for a weekend of excellent training! Friday, Feb 28 - Sunday, Mar 2 https://aikidosarasota.com/event/hoa-newens-aikido-seminar
Join us for black belt exclusive "teach the teacher" event led by three of Saito Shihan's closest students. The goal is to preserve the rich traditions of the Iwama Aikido lineage, and provide essential tools, techniques, and insights to help uphold and carry forward the teachings of those who dedicated their lives to ÅŒsensei's Aikido. […]
Wolfgang Baumgartner 7.Dan Shihan Kaeshiwaza & Shidoin Bukiwasa Saito Sensei said that Kaeshiwaza should only be taught at special occasions in the Dojo. Kaeshiwaza and Weapons used to be secret and were only taught to Advanced Students.